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开发客户 John 7年前 (2017-10-13) 1939次浏览 0个评论


In foreign traders’ daily life, they often have to face the fact that customers only inquiry without placing an order or hardly contact with the traders after they are informed about details of the order. In that case, it requires the business experience and working skills of foreign traders. As a foreign trader, it is also the high time that you urged your customers to reply.


However, the proper attitude and skills are important if a foreign trader expect to receive responses from the customers.



A question should be considered: why haven’t your customers signed a contract with you? Many of foreign traders complain that their customers always procrastinate. Actually, the ones who procrastinate are you instead. It is impossible to expect your customers change their attitude. The reason why they refuse to start the cooperation with your company must be that your services are under their expectation. Attitude is the most significant.



You ought to stand in your customers’ shoes, and understand what they are thinking of and concerned about.



If you are able to control everything, you will be the director of it. It is essential for you to be mentally active. For instance, plenty of problems can be solved through the networks. Sending an e-mail helps you save a lot of time. You had better know how to change the disadvantages into advantages.



The ways that remind the customers of your warm-hearted services are to solve their problems, do them a favor and be responsible for them.



You must be patient. Both your working hours and spare time should be spent in dealing with your customers as possible as you can, which will probably impress them.



You ought to be well-prepared. Before the contract is signed, it is necessary to ensure all of the details such as materials, unit price, quantity and time of delivery, etc. When the negotiation is closer to the end, you had better say: please allow me to make a PI for you.



You must urge your customers to send you responses about the orders and remind them of your determination as well as power.



You should keep half of a secret from customers. It means that you will not completely inform them about the merits of establishing a website and services as well as products provided by the foreign trade platforms. By doing those, you might draw their interest in the services and products. As you use the way to communicate with your customers, you must be wise and focus on the timing.



Please recall your customers of the various benefits they will enjoy if they place an order immediately. For example, you can mention discounts or time of delivery.



You should learn to give up temporarily. As a saying goes, one step back today for two steps forward tomorrow. You are not required to spend much time dealing with some stubborn customers, but you still need to keep in touch with them.


Besides, you must ask yourself the following questions as often as you can: what kind of business are you dealing with? Who is your customer? What will they gain from your services or the goods you sell to them? Why will they sign a contract with me? You have to stand in their shoes. All in all, the success depends on your attitude, and what you will be depends on who you are. Let’s keep trying!

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